California School Dashboard 2017

The state of California released the California School Dashboard, which is the new accountability system for all California schools.  This dashboard contains data on schools throughout the state to provide parents and community members access to a more comprehensive picture of the performance of our schools.  This new framework is based on three principles.

The use of Multiple Measures instead of just one measure
A Focus on Equity for all student groups
Supporting Local Decision Making above state control

You can read more about those foundational principles here (Dashboard Core Messages) and here (Dashboard Key Points).

Schools will receive a color coded indicator for each measure that is based on both status and change.  The state measures are:

Suspension Rate
4-year cohort Graduation Rate
English Learner Progress Indicator
English Language Arts Academic Indicator  (grades 7 & 8 only)
Mathematics Academic Indicator (grades 7 & 8 only)
College and Career Indicator (coming in 2017-18
Chronic Absenteeism (coming in 2017-18)


You will note that each measure is given an overall rating based on status and change according to the following system.


This data is from the 2015-16 school year and this spring is a field test.  The new accountability system goes into full effect this fall when the results from the 2016-17 school year will be released.


Key data points from Sweetwater schools:

Suspension Rate is YELLOW and based on a status of 5.7% of our students have been suspended at least once in the  2015-16 school year, which has not changed since the 2014-15 school year.

Our 4-year cohort Graduation rate  is GREEN and increased again last year by 1.2% and now stands at 86.5%.  This is an 8% increase since the 2009-10 school year.

English Learner Progress is GREEN as 77.8% of our English Learners grew at least one CELDT level or were reclassified during the 2015-16 school year an increase of .4%

English Language Arts Academics is YELLOW as our Middle School students are averaging 8 points below Level 3 on the SBAC ELA exam, which is an increase of 16.7 Scale Score points.

Mathematics Academics is YELLOW as our Middle School students are averaging 48.7 points below Level 3 on the SBAC ELA exam, which is an increase of 7.9 Scale Score points.

The Sweetwater school districts fully embraces the spirit of this system that is intended to connect accountability with continuous improvement so that we can enthusiastically celebrate our successes and address our challenges with resolve to support the college and career aspirations of each student in the Sweetwater Union High School District.