How to Enroll

To enroll in classes, potential students and their parents should provide one of the following documents to their appropriate school site administrators:

  • Utility bill – Gas & electric, water, cable TV, trash or sewer
  • Lease Agreement/rental contract with letterhead of the complex with a business card from apartment manager and a current rental receipt (No generic rental contracts are accepted)
  • Letter on apartment complex or mobile home park letterhead, signed by the landlord, stating that parent or guardian or caregiver lives there
  • Closing escrow papers, mortgage book or statement, or homeowner’s association fees statement
  • Residence insurance statement
  • Verification of Social Services
  • Home visit

The document must show the parent, caregiver or legal court appointed guardian’s name, street address and dated within the past 60 days.

Click here to for Middle School directory

Check here for the High School directory

Click Find My School to find your local school.

To identify what school a student should attend:

By providing your address or potential new address, office staff will refer to school boundary maps and help identify what school students should attend.

Call the Sweetwater District Planning Department at 619-691-5553.

To apply for a student transfer:

Contact Student Services at 619-691-5596 or visit the Welfare and Attendance section for more information regarding student transfer procedures.