SUHSD COVID-19 Dashboard

COVID-19 dashboard data
The Sweetwater Union High School District has been tracking the latest guidance since 2020 from the California Department of Public Health.
The foundational principle of this guidance is that all students have access to safe and full in-person instruction.
Resources that the district provides:
- Ionization systems in each classroom.
- Face masks available to all students and staff
- Home test kits available at your home school site
The combination of these efforts helps mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus.
The chart below provides the total enrollment at each of our Sweetwater schools and the monthly total of staff and students who have tested positive for COVID 19. For every case that is a confirmed positive, we work with the California Department of Public Health to conduct contact tracing and quarantine students based on several factors including vaccination status, and proximity to the infected student or staff member.